Lights! Action! Murder! - Original Scratchboard Art

Genre - Sexecutioner / Vintage Sleaze

Materials used: 6x6 inch Black-coated Ampersand board and scratching tools.

This is one of the many scratchboard art illustrations I have been commissioned by The Gardner Francis Fox Library to do book covers for. This is book #120 of 156 paperback novels being transcribed by The Gardner Francis Fox Library.


The strong-arm men are muscling in on the movies and not even the major studios have the power to fight back. Then a maverick producer asks N.Y.M. P.H.O. for help and Cherry Delight is put on the case. As Coco Madrid, Hollywood's newest sensational skin-flick superstar, Cherry's latest assignment is to bust the protection racket that preys on the media.

Read the entire original copy of Iron Lover by visiting The Gardner Francis Fox Library. 

Here’s three short videos of my process for creating this scratchboard art illustration.